Régime faible en glucides pour la perte du poids

Enfin un régime avec le message clair de "rester loin de sucre raffiné» et les dommages causés à notre poids et l'apparence générale de l'homme a fait sucres raffinés, la farine et le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose.

Le régime sans sucre devenu à la mode quand il a commencé à la Nouvelle Orléans et se répandit comme une traînée de poudre uniquement par le bouche à oreille. Il s'agit essentiellement d'une seule règle à suivre et qui est d'éviter les sucres et les glucides à indice glycémique élevé.

Ces hydrates de carbone à partir de l'index glycémique élevé ou GI sont le pain blanc, les pâtes les plus couramment consommés et la farine blanche que nous de défilé dans notre alimentation quotidienne. Parfois, nous ignorons l'effet de ces glucides à indice glycémique élevé dans nos niveaux de sucre dans le sang et le risque de diabète apporte.

En mangeant une tranche de pain blanc notre fusée de ciel de sucre dans le sang et notre corps est mis dans un état ​​de choc. Oui il est vrai que le pain blanc a peu de sucre, mais agit toujours de la même manière quand il s'agit de votre corps et c'est quand nous atteignons des millions de personnes prises au piège dans un pré - diabétique.

Sucre Busters Diet Ne mangez pas les aliments

- Sucre raffiné

- Sirop de maïs haute teneur en fructose

- Gâteaux

- Pommes de terre

- Farine blanche

- Pâtes

- Presque rien avec un index glycémique élevé

Le simple fait de couper le sucre peut avoir un effet dramatique sur votre corps et la capacité de votre corps à brûler les graisses et presque certainement de commencer à perdre du poids très rapidement.

Rappelez-vous que ce n'est pas un régime alimentaire faible en hydrates de carbone, sucres busters régime est un régime sans sucre si vous pouvez encore profiter de son faible indice glycémique, comme l'avoine et le pain de blé entier.

Le régime de briseur de sucre n'a pas de structure réelle et il est vraiment à vous combien vous mangez et combien de fois vous mangez, mais leurs recommandés 3-5 repas par jour et toujours manger jusqu'à environ 75-80% de sa capacité pas complètement remplie.

regime bas en sucre

Lorsque les glucides concentrés combinés avec d'autres aliments, il peut causer des problèmes digestifs. Ces aliments nécessitent très peu de temps pour digérer et laisser l'estomac très rapidement. En présence d'autres aliments contenant des protéines et des lipides sont contraints de rester dans l'estomac pendant une période beaucoup plus longue. Cela se traduit par fermentation et les sucres peuvent être combinées avec des bactéries et du gaz est créé. Le résultat final est inefficace digestif et des troubles métaboliques.

Un programme hebdomadaire plupart des repas de restauration de régime devrait être composé d'une sélection de glucides complexes, protéines et lipides concentré. Les aliments riches en sucre doivent être consommés avec modération et de préférence seul et non sur une base régulière.

Combinant programme
régime faible en sucre

petit déjeuner

Fruits frais ou
Passez des toasts avec de la confiture d'abricot ou
Oeufs brouillés au pain de blé entier et de tomate ou
Gruau avec du lait de soja et de noix


Salade de thon, poulet, oeuf ou fromage ou
Salade de pain de mie alimentaire sur O
Grains ou à base de vinaigrette ou huile
Craquelins de grains entiers avec du fromage, tomate et concombre


Viande, poulet ou poisson avec légumes ou
Faire sauter les légumes avec poulet / tofu et riz brun ou
Pâtes de grains entiers avec sauce au pesto et légumes
Soupe aux légumes et haricots et / ou de poulet

Snacks - choisir parmi:

Fruit consommé seul.
Yaourt nature.
Shakes protéinés.
Noix brutes et des graines.
Oeuf à la coque.
Carotte / céleri cru.
Jus de légumes.
Houmous ou du fromage avec des craquelins de riz ou des craquelins de grains entiers et la tomate.


Devraient de préférence être consommés seuls et trois heures après les repas. Cela comprend tous les fruits.

Si manger des desserts qu'il est préférable de choisir ceux qui contiennent aucun édulcorant raffinés ou haute teneur en matières grasses. En raison de ses effets sur le contrôle de la glycémie est préférable que ces aliments sont très limitées.

Suivez ce plan de régime pour une période de quelques semaines et vous verrez une amélioration spectaculaire dans votre fonction digestive.

Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes Compilation

In this article we give you a compilation of three smoothie recipes for weight loss, in addition to the green smoothie recipe. Who says weight loss shakes should taste bland and boring? With this collection of recipes green, it will give you a wide variety of healthy foods that you can use to lose weight.

 smoothies to lose weight

One of our smoothie recipes to lose weight with only 136 calories per serving, which is described as a small figure of the environment with a fruity taste. It is one of the weight loss shakes recipes you can make in no time!
1/2 large ripe banana (or other fruit of your choice)
1/3 cup soy protein, about 1 tablespoon 

Linseed oil 1/2 tablespoon
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 tablespoon apple juice concentrate (or honey)
1 teaspoon of psyllium seed envelopes
8 ounces of water
First, we have to peel the banana and cut into pieces. Put all ingredients in a blender. After this step you can ice cubes and some vitamin powder, if desired. After the addition, the ingredients are mixed again homogenized in the mixer until well.
One of our recipes for weight loss shakes Smoothieweb than smoothie that is free of dairy products is described. It is also one of the smoothie recipes for weight loss is simple, delicious and easy to make. A strawberry milkshake that hangs without dairy products.
Peach Smoothie Strawberry soy ingredients
1/2 cup of soy milk or rice
12 strawberries
1/2 cup frozen sliced ​​peaches
2 ice cubes
The first is the addition of the following ingredients: Peaches, soy milk, strawberries and ice. The next step is to mix all the ingredients. In order to do this the right way, you need to use the pulse in the first place. Then use the top option, mix all ingredients for 1 minute. Then you are ready to eat and enjoy your milk without soy strawberry peach smoothie.
Ingredients for Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
1/2 banana
1 c. natural peanut butter
1/2 cup milk
1 c. Whey protein powder chocolate milk
6 ice cubes
To make this wonderful smoothie, you can add ½ banana in the blender. Then add peanut butter, skimmed milk powder, chocolate and ice cream. Mix well in a blender. After this step, you are ready to enjoy your Banana Smoothie Peanut Butter.

Vegetable Smoothie Diets and Weight Loss - Important Things You Need to Know

You already know the value of vegetables. In case you missed it, here's a summary: They are full of antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cancer and other diseases. Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Keep you healthy and strong as immune system to fight infection and heal wounds and cuts. They are rich in fiber which promotes good digestive health and allows you to repeat sections salads without adding excess calories have. And there are complex carbohydrates and a long time to digest, but also make you feel full longer. No wonder, then, that a diet consisting of mainly vegetables always leads to better health and wellness.
The problem with vegetables is that they are very easy to eat. It takes knowledge and expertise to cook vegetables that taste good, and therefore those who have bad taste are easily set aside in favor of the most delicious meat. For those who can not eat vegetables in the "solid" smoothies you can meet your daily requirements of vegetables for the sake of your health. Because smoothies are liquids that are not chewed, but just have drank in. An earthquake vegetable diet is effective in losing weight. Replace one or more meals with green smoothies every day, you give your body optimal nutrition during the defense of the need to snack unnecessarily during the day.
In vegetable smoothies diet plan, replace breakfast with a green smoothie. It is rich to help in fiber, vitamins and minerals to go through the day full of energy. You can also replace breakfast with a green smoothie or other beverage can choose to go solid. For dinner, make sure that the proteins, whole grains and more fruits and vegetables to maintain a balanced diet.
How to Lose Weight and Burn Fat Drinking Green Smoothies!

If you have not tried to make vegetable smoothies before, the process is fairly simple. Cut the vegetables of your choice into small pieces. Put them in a blender with water and fruit and mix well. You can add a little honey to sweeten or maybe just to make more fruit in their green smoothies, taste more fun for you. As you get used to the taste of green smoothies, you can even leave the part of fruits and vegetables when you can make pure green smoothies from vegetables only. There are different types of vegetables that you can use to make your green smoothies. Arugula salad are just two of the many vegetables that you can use. Bananas and apples are also good partners green smoothie. You can also go online to find the clean green smoothies recipes to add variety to your menu and keep you from getting bored with one taste. You can also fat or low-fat yogurt to your green smoothies for a better taste. Drinking green smoothies, make sure that the requirements of vegetables per day and get that slim and trim that you've always wanted.

Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

Love making breakfast smoothie recipes for weight loss because not only important to have a healthy breakfast for the day, but what about fresh fruits and vegetables is an effective and healthy way to all the nutrients to get essentials you need to start the day and metabolism! But there are some things that, if to consider these delicacies, and it is the quality of the ingredients and the power of the mixer can be used. Also remember that the quality of water or juice is used can have a major influence on the taste and the health of your smoothie too!

Now the first thing you weight loss healthy breakfast smoothie is only use organic ingredients so that you can avoid getting nasty toxins and other chemicals in food. To be organic products also happens much more palatable and nutrient dense per volume, so they are rather more fiber and nutrients it needs to help your body burn more fat and more efficiently. It may also at an affordable price with frozen products that are often bought throughout the year is available compared with fresh seasonal produce. How To Make Superfood Smoothies                                     
Now, another important factor to consider, the same mixer, and I want to use high-power mixer by brand Blended or Vitamin. This is because they offer the more mixer motors that the product improves crushed so that it consistently in a smoothie. This is not only for its taste but also for the health because of emulsifying ingredients that make them more "inviolable" or easier to digest important to keep your digestive system absorbs more nutrients!

A great appetizer recipe is a weight loss smoothie strawberry banana. The basic recipe is as follows:
2 cups filtered water
Fresh strawberries -3-4
-1 Piece of whole frozen bananas
-1 Cup organic nonfat Greek yogurt
-1 Teaspoon ground organic Stevie sweetener 0 for a natural and safe product

Then all you need to do is to draw water in a blender, then add in your next Greek yogurt. Continue until cool and then adding pieces and sweeteners banana frozen strawberries. Then all you have to do is to mix up to get the desired consistency and enjoy!

Visit my smoothie smoothies for free!

I also have another website smoothie recipe tasty smoothie recipes that can help you to lose weight has.

Super Green Foods - How To Induce Weight Loss

Some people choose in order to lose weight quickly cut carbs from your diet. Due to the growing popularity of green smoothies and wheat grass juice, many people have a green solution in this regard. Super green foods not only provide fiber of your body, but also contribute to the amount of calorie intake. Therefore, you can maintain a healthy body weight maintained by the consumption of these super green foods. You must read this article carefully to learn more about this topic.
Let's consider some important things to talk about inducing green super foods for weight loss tips to us now.
• You must have a green smoothie trying to lose weight fast. Green smoothies usually include various vegetables, some of which stems are the cucumbers, spinach, parsley and kale. Drinking green smoothies can easily consume the nutrients, minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll.
• They must contain a healthy salad, green vegetables such as kale, spinach, celery and cucumber sticks. You can even other vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots and Brussels sprouts. You should avoid iceberg lettuce. Unhealthy organizations should be avoided in order to improve the health and the ratio of nutrients.
• Now you need to mix up a batch of your own right smoothies. We all know that the taste of each is a little different, and you may not like the list - made smoothies. Therefore, you can mix your favorite vegetables to prepare a smoothie. You can add spices such as ginger or pepper. I am sure you will love the taste of these shakes, because not only delicious but very healthy.
• Finally, you need to cook a bowl of green vegetable soup. You can add some incredible vegetables for a pot of boiling water. Use celery, kale, broccoli, cucumber, arugula and spinach. You should consider other things like carrots, chickpeas and chard. Ginger, pepper or salt could also be your tasty smoothie.
To observe some of the most important things about green super foods to lose weight fast. You will need all these tips and instructions followed exactly in order to produce the best possible results in terms of weight loss. You should consult a doctor before taking on a particular health plan. Browse through this article carefully if you want to know more about green super foods for weight loss. Enjoy a large amount, while a correct and healthy physical body. 
Honey and Cinnamon Remedy

Green Vegetable Diet For Weight Loss

A diet of green vegetables can really help you lose weight quickly and in a healthy manner. This is a completely vegetarian diet, and that is the reason for its popularity. There are many vegetables, cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli and decide long - Mother onions, peppers, peas, cabbage, spinach, dark green lettuce, asparagus and spinach. These types of vegetables are very healthy and can help you lose weight in no time.
Raw GreenEating vegetables at least five times a day. You should also drink plenty of water every day as water is an adequate system of transport of nutrients into the body. Buy Greens rays and consider eat to stay healthy and fit. Spirulina is a great vehicle that you should consider if you really want to get your weight and health.
Cooking OptionsWell, raw food diet is not possible at any time and so the best option available with you properly steamed vegetables. You can use some herbs, olive oil, to improve the taste and nutritional value. You should try healthy fats to add your greens. To do this, you may consider using grapeseed oil or olive oil, too. These things really benefit your body in the long run.
Eating MethodYou need to eat your food slowly so that your stomach feel full faster, and you are able to dine in the best way possible. You should take the time to chew vegetables properly and enjoy every bite. If you are still hungry, then you can consider eating raw vegetables. They are low in calories and therefore no weight. They are a source of lean protein and fiber, so that you can easily lose weight fast with these vegetables.
So what are some of the most interesting about diet to lose greens, Weight remember things. You have to work hard with full dedication to remain healthy and fit. In addition, all of these things you. With your doctor and ask for suggestions on weight loss Read this article carefully if you start a diet plan. It would really help to maintain a healthy body. Enjoy a large amount, while the consumption of raw vegetables for a healthy body.